
A Friday night.

Today has been a reminder that the long game is only an upward trajectory even though everything in me and around me makes me feel like I am being pulled down.  Here is the abstract of this season of life right now: Today I finally submitted 2 grant applications I had started weeks ago before my toddler woke up.  Today I did colors and shapes puzzles with my sleep-deprived, cranky toddler after she woke up from her afternoon nap 45min earlier than she usually does.  Today I argued with 3 students about missing work and absences and grades, and griped about the time wasted adjusting grades. Today I read Brown Bear and Hungry Caterpillar and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom for the 1000th time.  Today I woke up at 4am worried about Ukraine and war and read news articles.  Today I wondered about deadlines for research applications in my field of work, thinking that the academic year might just be a wash because I am barely hanging on with no daycares available in my rural area.  Today I argued wit

all about collaboration

 A rare moment of missing snark:  When asked "what advice would you give an aspiring composer," one of the first things I usually say is "become the best *musician* you can be, because the best composers are usually the best musicians." So learn your counterpoint AND your conducting and your performance and your aural skills and your music history.....etc; you don't have to master all of them, but the broader and deeper your musician-ship, the better you'll be at creating music. Looks like Lin-Manuel has a similar view of his field. via { dan forrest }

consulting and sobbing profusely


adaptive and responsive

It's not about that. It's about finding as many objectionable things as possible so they can nit-pick and complain about teachers indoctrinating our kids with liberalism(tm). More outrage talking points for the radio hosts. Robots make the worst teachers.  via { bored teachers }

100th day

The 100th day of the school year is right around this time.  Emma the wise. via { fb }

the professor's serenity prayer

via {twitter}